1. 李学勤先生评议书-陈嘉映
2. 理解柏拉图《智者》的几…
3. 2013:西方知识界回顾
4. 现代化论题的重申
5. 柏拉图诠释的进路之争
6. 不纯粹的现象学
7. 作为产品和作为方法的个…
8. 当今儒家的“创教”与“…
2. 理解柏拉图《智者》的几…
3. 2013:西方知识界回顾
4. 现代化论题的重申
5. 柏拉图诠释的进路之争
6. 不纯粹的现象学
7. 作为产品和作为方法的个…
8. 当今儒家的“创教”与“…
·中国道路十日谈 第八场
·中国道路十日谈 第七场
·中国道路十日谈 第六场
·中国道路十日谈 第七场
·中国道路十日谈 第六场
哲学 影评 符号学 分析哲学
管理 经济危机 贫富差距
传播 新闻 和谐社会
历史 胡塞尔 人口比例
郎咸平 华民 林毅夫 价值观
司法公正 国学 正义 人文
存在主义 现象学 海德格尔
管理 经济危机 贫富差距
传播 新闻 和谐社会
历史 胡塞尔 人口比例
郎咸平 华民 林毅夫 价值观
司法公正 国学 正义 人文
存在主义 现象学 海德格尔
来源:网络转摘 作者:李幼蒸 点击:14285次 时间:2015/12/24 12:53:06
*“问:知以明之,仁以守之,勇以行之,其要在致知。知之明,非仁以守之,则不可;以仁守之,非勇而行之,亦不可。三者不可阙一,而知为先。曰:此说甚善,正吾人所当自力也。” (《朱子文集-答石子重》)
符号学思维的一个重要方面是重新审视古今中外学术思想中“分类学方式”的合理性问题。人文学术与自然科学的不同,首先就表现在前者之思维过程及其文本产物中的分类学组织思想的方式之混乱,此混乱性既相关于所用字词也相关于运用的叙事与理论二者之间的合理关联性。今日西方符号学学者们中间,其实也并未都清晰地识认或践行符号学分析之真实旨意。所谓do semiotics 不是指转抄或复述以往名家的符号学作品或仅据某种任意选择的理论方法对作品文本进行的所谓形式分析。如同本人近年来多次所言,“理论符号学分析”已应转化为泛文化制度性分析。本文不是关于符号学理论问题的专论,而是按其观点对今日国内外人文思想理论界的话语组织方式的合理性进行检讨,以提醒论者对所论主题之事实部分和理论部分间欠缺合理关联性事实的关注。
我们是否注意到,今日以西方高校人文学科为代表的人文科学学位制度的程序僵固化发展,已使得洋学位培养机制,在功能上类似于中国古代一向受有识者诟病的科举制了?一方面,科举制的确在培养文化官吏的目的上行之有效,此因古代社会政治生态简单,学用不一致的“古典学术实践机制”并不造成多大的政务弊端。固然,历代批评科举制及其准程序化的私塾阶段备学者的理由,主要涉及到学用不一的问题,而其主要的批评意见却是思想性方面的:科举制度(含其学,考,仕三阶段)产生的学者功名思想和学习材料的古今如一,损害了读书人的向真之心和思考能力。宋明书院现象的初衷本来是为了以非制度化的书院“自由主义”克服儒教科举的“公务员主义”。人所皆知,其结果并非尽如理想,原因是多方面的,而官私之学所学之内容大体同一的事实和儒学本身的乏科学性,以及书院最终仍须与官方主宰的“就业”结合,导致了书院制度的宗旨难以贯彻。但是,书院现象的历史意义并不在此;它体现了古代读书人对制度化的治学和从仕方式的(潜在的)不满,以及对积极有用思考能力养成之“期盼”。即其持久性“意义”在于其所表达的对于理想治学境界和自由思考的愿望本身。古代书院精神的价值是一种伦理理想主义的自动萌发,哪里像浸透功名主义的今儒那样只不过想借用书院名号邀名取利罢了(有如今日大陆处处改造古镇利用其文史名号以推行反文史精神的求利目标?此一“古镇新用”的纯粹商业化的文化现象,足可象征今日学界文化界到处弥漫的“用古之形违古之义”的“耍弄祖先”的奸商心态)对于作为现代“新科举——学位培养制度”的批评,本人已经言之再三。其实几十年来本人在国际符号学论坛上不断提出若干并非不含西学界“政治正确”惯习中敏感性的制度性批评语气【我的前述曾被列日大学符号学中心拒刊的受约文章,曾托请纽约大学历史系一位著名教授推荐另行发表,该人阅后告因“话题敏感”不好推荐!什么话题敏感?不过是关于大学文科制度中人文理论方向问题的讨论。直到后来《国际符号学会刊》加以发表无碍,才知道所谓 “敏感”不过是反映了:今日学术刊物大多已成为控导刊物的学派山头势力进行党同伐异的工具而已(类似于“公司竞争主义文化”中的品牌市场争夺基地)。因此“非我族类”者概不发表,以免乱我法家治学战术的阵脚。正如我的批评《论语》研究的文章为邀讲方学报以及其他若干学报以“主题不便”理由拒刊而后终于为其他学刊发表后,才知道刊物主事者的“谨小慎微”度,是与他们自我设定的高度自我安保系数相关的。也许还须指出最近本人遭遇到的另外一起西学权威刊物的无耻作为。但多少顾忌于“政治正确”就不具体谈述了。所幸,本人间接受邀之文为其审阅毕再次拒刊后,竟然又近乎“奇迹般地”为另一刊物采纳。此一再次于国外投文受挫事故,却也“塞翁失马焉知非福”:因我通过此一彼此来回交流过程又具体体察到西方人文理论刊物可谓严重丧失了集思广益、以学求真的科学目的,而是成为了“学术思想商品”生产的“厂房”。我于是严厉回敬该刊:“本人终于认识到,贵刊不仅是学术思想交流上在‘党同伐异’,而且更是‘理论观点固陋’,即不仅是不通中学,而且也不通西方理论。至少,贵刊编辑根本不懂什么是真正的符号学、解释学和现象学。”这并非是个人在发泄情绪,而是“客观总结式地”表达出个人对于今日世界人文学界商业化垄断机制真相的彻底识悟。我由此独特体察到的个人再次发表受挫经验所提升的“真相认知”,岂非成为本人极大的治学求真过程中的积极收益?须知,“識真”就是“达成”!别信什么仅以“造成影响力”为“达成”,如无关于真伪目的而只想着“社会性成功”,岂非只有趋炎附势一途?】。尽管杯水车薪,无济于事,而除了言所当言,我辈还能有什么其他作为吗?当国外“世界百名思想家”评定完全基于“能够造成某种现实影响者”时【而不问此“影响”所关为何物;这是一种人们越来越加以效法的“实效主义”标准:社会影响力大小成为了唯一价值学标准,而此影响力今已与人文思想理论不再发生任何关系了,除非此人文思想被科技工商大佬通过金钱加以特意抬举的话。今日各种人文类奖项完全由各类金主加以控导,这样的评定还有任何学术思想价值吗?而那些以获此奖为荣的文士们又会是那类人呢?】。当此类影响力的构成完全由世界科技工商权势网络主导之时,人文科学理论家们的地位今又何在?同理,今日港台美华最不受重视的就是被科技工商大亨们已将其挤出社会传媒舞台的人文思想家或理论家了。此一历史性的人类文化巨变,已使今日文坛的构成、性质和效果,大异于民清前后中国的思想舞台。今日在世界各处我们都再也看不到如梁启超、胡适、鲁迅这类能够产生社会及历史思想影响力的文史哲思想家了。如今数风流人物者已变为科技工商界大佬,而他们众口一声地都是引导人类朝向物质谋利方向发展的新型人生观导师。
然而,本人从符号学角度对今日世界人文科学现状进行的批评与当前西方大量存在的、来自文史哲领域思想家的同类批评,可以说并不相同(或者说“根本不同 ” )。例如,对于大家今日耳熟能详的西方著名人文学者对于资本主义文化进行批评的方式和观点,“其本身”本人也认为应纳入被批评之列。因为这类文化批评大多治标非治本,特别是善于批评的、任教于英语文学系的教授们。我从他们的各种观点的批评中发现,其立论根据多是仅止于进行现状指摘,而且往往仅就人文教育事业之衰败性事实本身“实用主义地”立论,不过是抱怨着受到了不公待遇(机构,人员,经费,地位等等方面的每况愈下)。却很少有人反省一下自身的学术结构、方式、效能是否在与时俱进地有效发展和提升着?人文事业衰败由于人们易于看到的多方面的外部原因,此为一事;而人文学者本身的知识是否“合格”则为另一事。本人与西方符号学家交往数十年中不时发现这类现象:符号学因其现实学术理论成效不彰而处处不受重视,但他们却从不检讨自身学养之失,而是想方设法拉帮结派、制造团体声势,以迎合资本主义学界内“以势取人”(知名度大小)的惯习。我特别发现一些最爱发牢骚者恰恰也是理论修养欠佳者,还不要说关于什么是可取的“理论修养”本身究竟为何这样的的问题今已很难在西方学界获得共识了。然而,这些人却没有意识到,自身倒也正是此同一外部客观环境的“受益”(即可维持其生存)者:“符号学学科”的职业制度性存在也保护了他们的生存和集体自慰的条件。今日人文学科的职业性分划不仅是业界形成党同伐异、合作造势的运营地,而且也是相互交流、彼此取暖的互励场。这种局面却也有助于得过且过的人文学界不必再面对自身学术严重缺失的问题。
我常常对海外媒体上的两岸论者之思考言谈方式进行比较。的确,凡是谈及自身所熟悉的地区现象时均头头是道,而一旦欲给予其更深或更高理论性解释时,其原先根据熟悉的现实材料进行的流畅论述突然转为空泛无力了。这种情况的普遍性使我判断,不论这些论者曾经具有何种学位资格,其经验判断与理论说明之间多存在着逻辑性隔阂。如果此逻辑性隔阂不为论者本身及读者所察觉,乃因所援引的理论根据为学界与社会具有影响力者:如对方援引了宗教性根据,对方依赖于哲学教条,对方援引历史故事作为佐证,对方诉诸于意识形态教条,等等。这些理论根据的不足性之所以不易被察觉,当然是源于其各自的“单线逻辑本位思维”,即未能根据多学科知识以及其有效综合运用来说明自身的经验性论述。此一原因主要在于其修学期间的专业教育本身的单科本位限制,而具有其职业声誉者多坚守此专科本位的荣誉感和自信心,不会接受任何其他学科的批评(最大的自欺欺人的口实就是人们习见的所谓 “受过西方专业训练”的理由。因专业何止万千,论述对象更何止千万,如何能仅因一科之专长而可随意泛论古今?况且当该专科上论者是否已真地达至“专长”程度还不好说时?)。此一两岸普遍倾向也间接反映了以下事实:长期疏于现代人文社会科学理论实践的两岸学人,自80年代初起几乎同时开始参与现代化理论研习的时间都还甚短,难以达到今日急需的跨学科综合思考方式的层级。而大家对于现实类主题的偏好却使其偏于现世经验的论述的成功效果,掩蔽了其所根据的相应综合理论学养之未足。此一泛理论观的缺失例子,更有趣的反映在海外的大陆人文学者和思想家中间:显然由于他们长期以来欠缺现代理论知识和思考习惯,以及长期隔离于各种超越性信仰体系,以至于到了海外反而相当普遍地、极为轻易地,在外界环境影响下,纷纷转化为“信仰者”了。特别包括一些本来属于科学哲学类的学者、学生们,也竟然觉得自己只有在超越性信仰体系中才最终找到了“最后真理”,获得了精神安顿【不过,不必讥笑原为学科学哲学者会轻易转为非科学的信仰者一事,一些海外自认为在古人“性理大全”中最终获得了“安身立命”的天人合一真理者,他们是在说真话,还是在瞎忽悠呢?但是我则敢断言一事为真:家岳亟赞的文理兼全的俞大维先生熟读中西哲学,晚年入佛,曾日日抄写阿弥陀佛条幅赠人以积功德。爱思为一事,能思为另一事。岂可不信哉!宗教与哲学本是“天敌”,因一者主信,一者主疑,而读理论书人,最终可由疑入信、由学入教,二者之间竟然仅只一步之遥!世人往往称赞善疑者最终可“离误反真”,“终于”成为“有信者”,而在“读论语与祭孔数十年后”竟然不知:按中华仁学理性主义,如该人可安于“信而存疑”离世方可称之为真勇者!】。本人对此现象的判断,乃源于对他们的原先精神状态的直接了解,故绝不将其视为其人思想认知过程中的真实逻辑性发展之结果,而只能将此怪异现象溯之于彼等原初文化经历:青少年时期经受过的全面限学环境。彼等的“思想自信”主要来自当前和历史的现实经验,而他们的后来习得的理论性知识多相当于“以译代研”类的初步读解而已。对于80年代开始才有机会读现代理论翻译作品的大多数青年,此前真是什么都不知道,进入新时期不久突然见到几十本国外理论翻译书,匆匆读后就以为自己“懂得”新理论了,却根本不知道这些国外理论和自己的现实经验有何适切关系,结果不过是在经验现实和理论分析之间任意搭配比附而已。这样我们就看到了今日所谓的自由派、极左派、女权主义派、后殖民主义派、后现代主义派、解构派、现象学派、科学哲学派等等,不过是根据一时的个人兴趣或选取“公认有势力的洋学”以支持自身论述的可信度而已。正因为长期疏略于理论学术熏陶而仅于新时期以来通过急就章方式熟悉了这些新名词、新名家,遂自以为已经在知识储备上跟上了时代。实际上彼等虽然熟悉了名词,却并未真正掌握其所表达的实理。“十年树木百年树人”之历代经验指出:一人之人文思想与知识的养成还不仅是指其从书本中直接获得的资讯为何(此与获得自然科学知识的情况完全不同,所以可有十几岁的神童即成为大数学家者),而该阅读效果也是直接与其青少年期间的整个社会文化环境的(来自家族、学校、社会与文化整体环境的)潜移默化作用相关的(而当那时此“四者”均遭系统有意瓦解之时,你已根本失去了“文明环境”。如今大有人怀念该“反人类文明时期”之辉煌的,岂非可证:环境的影响力可以下传多少代?人们真地是在在怀念那个“满大街都是手持武装带青少年游街的时期”吗?)。
正是因为这些国外理论新书读了而未能真实“进入”(不论是真正接受还是正确批评),所以即使同样是通过急就章方式获得了学位名号,其自身的真实“理论信仰”可能仍付阙如。等到到了西方大学图书馆的汪洋大海里,就如同堕入五里雾中,先是失去了自信,接着也就失去了先前原本虚而未实的理论认知。【有些汉学家们说,当走过那些一层层、一排排西学书架时, “作为受封的‘大师’,想要骄傲也骄傲不起来”。但几十年来他们并不因欠缺对那些一排排书架上的理论书籍的知识而自馁,反而转身又自信满满地意识到自己已有“五千年”祖先留下的“精神靠山”,因此何逊之有!但是那“五千年”是属于你个人的吗?另一方面,今日在国外动辄听到华裔谈起“我真以我们五千年为骄傲”时,真不知道这些全天候学西学、全力以赴希冀混入“主流”的炎黄子孙们,其精神骄傲竟然是仅只建立在血缘关系上的!这就叫“东西逢源”吗?物质上,我“向西”趋炎附势,精神上,我“向东”寻求自慰(“我”怎么就这么本能地懂得到处唯利是图,并亦知图利各有其术呢?这就是一种不学而能的普遍国民性的智慧学吗?否则,怎么凡是在东方走得顺的到了西方也是走得顺的?二者岂非正是同一类人?这就是出于一种民族性的“素质”吗!)。还有另一类自然科学出身的虔诚者们,一方面对图书馆那几十万册西学书的理论压力熟视无睹,另一方面是这样达到自我精神自慰的,即他内心念念有词的是:“宇宙间就只有一本大书才是真的”!学习自然科学某专业有成者却可以在万千其他领域采取非科学的思考方式,而其为自己的非科学结论辩护时所援引的理由竟然又是其本人的科学专业学历:他振振有词地用其科学知识背景来为其非科学性信念进行证明!正如,那些动辄东方“五千年”者其真实自信根据乃其在西方获得的资历一样!】其后,既源于其几十年来理论知识的不足,又源于时代造成的集体意志力软弱(严格说来,此人文学者集体性意志薄弱事实实应溯源于百年来科技现代化历程),遂在彷徨不定的新环境里纷纷趋附新的“信仰大流”,以获得“精神归宿”!为什么他们急于寻求精神归宿?因为他们未能真正深入人类当前理论资源去寻求理性的“安身立命”之法,而在异域倍感精神苦闷之时(因为他们身为华人却不信从中华孔子的“君子无入而不自得”之故训),就这样轻易地自行归入了环境潮流。我从这类群体行为现象中看到的则是一个时代知识分子的性格软弱:他们或者是没有意志力在新环境里强学补课,设法建立自身的理论性认知基础,或者是只能够按部就班取得学位纳入新的职业制度环境以自安。不管如何,每当涉及到理论性问题时,就会出现前述那类自我认知偏颇。而其中最莫名其妙的就算是那类本来研究所谓科学哲学方向者也最终“找到了”(其急于“依附”某信仰大流一事,只不过暴露了其原有的理论思维之不实、其内心精神之空虚、其心理素质之脆弱)非科学的“信仰归宿”。这是源于其自我认知的理论化提升吗?不,这是时代性的普遍理论思维幼稚病。不要忘了,“十年浩劫”期间曾经存在有任何有意义的理论知识资源吗?生存于那个时期的青少年日后能够在进入现代社会人文学界后就可突然从无到有、一蹴而就吗?本文论及此类事端是要从此奇特现象中瞥见后文革知识青年之“人到中年”后的集体理性虚弱化暴露。这个时代现象直接相关于我们对于新时期人文知识分子、特别是其理论家的期待和寄望的问题。
再回过来谈前面国外文学评论家的文化批评和人文学术全球化衰败的问题。但这根本不是一个职业性关怀的实用主义问题,而是一个深层思想理论性问题。我已多次说过,今日西方人文理论家中很少有自我深层反省习惯,而是都将批评的矛头指向科技工商支配一切的“经济全球化”之后果【所关心者也仍然是物质性方面的环境破坏问题和分配不公问题等。此类“反全球化运动”根本没有多大效果,因为他们没意识到:热衷于唯物质主义建设开发的世潮的确是符合绝大多数的纯物质享受需要的。绝大多数人就是只有这种需要。这就是人类文明今日面临的“内在矛盾”。今日世界上的生存意识形态完全一致:朝向于不间断的物质生产和追求无止境的 满足。今日世界各国煞有介事地讨论环保、减碳、气候、能源、分配不公等种种危机,似乎意在进行集体性的人类文明大革新。然而事实上,大家根本“不敢”针对与这些危机相关的最根本的问题讨论:为什么人类要把财富生产和刺激人民不断消费当做人类主要生存方式?】按此唯物质主义文化观,人文学术自然越来越没有“生路”,除了作为科技工商的附庸外。但这是两个问题,而不是一个问题。职业化生存的问题是一回事,人文学术自身的科学化改进是另一回事。对此,我可以说,西方的文学批评家类型的理论家们对此问题的思考基本失焦(注意现代西人的毛病:绝不自我批评,绝不承认错误。即使知道错了,也是自家偷着改正而绝不能示人以短!他们压根就不懂得孔学伟大的“诤友”之义)。而后者的解决不仅相关于前者的解决,而且相关于一个远为重大的时代性问题:人类文化,在科技工商必然永远主导文明的时代,是不是只有按照物质消费主义和娱乐主义方向发展下去呢?人类有没有一个在现世精神文化领域内努力于普遍提升的任务,还是像目前资本主义文化那样将此精神任务都拖延至人人死后来加以想象的升华呢?而在现世生存中我们全人类就只有一个使命吗?即:有朝一日使得人人成为越来越精致的经济物种吗?马克思生前是这样想象人类未来的吗?提出“学”与“文”至上人生观的孔子,当初是这样憧憬人类未来的吗?
李幼蒸 写于2015年岁末旧金山圣诞夜
“General Semiotics” as the all-round interdisciplinary organizer
― General Semiotics(GS) vs. Philosophical Fundamentalism
(the draft of the article published in Semiotica, Nr. 206, 2015/2016)
Youzheng Li
This paper presents a crucial problem about identity and function of general semiotics. The latter is not only defined in terms of interdisciplinary-directed theoretical practice in comparison to the philosophic-fundamental-directed one, but also further redefined as an operative-functional organizer that does not necessarily imply an fixed theoretical doctrines. General semiotics (GS) is described as a functional strategy for organizing all-round interdisciplinary-directed theoretical construction. In addition, the paper emphasizes that the interdisciplinary essence of semiotic theory is contrary to any philosophical fundamentalism and applied semiotics does not need any philosophical foundation either.
Key words: general semiotics; functional organizer; philosophical fundamentalism; interdisciplinary strategy;
1. What is the main challenge for the contemporary semiotics?
Immediately before the Sofia Congress the author received a questionnaire from the Sofia Congress Committee as What is the main challenge for the contemporary semiotics? (2014-9-2) The author responded to it with 4 sentences that are included here with added short notes. The questions and answers given in the following can help explain the critical background of the thought presented in this paper.
a. Commercialized utilitarian academic systems leads “professional success”, rather than “scientific truth”, to be the genuine final aim of scholar’s practice. (Accordingly scholars tend to follow the established rules of doing scholarship that are determined by multiple external factors including the more powerful non-academic forces)
b. Nihilist ontological rhetoric is used to weaken the interdisciplinary human-scientific tendency of semiotics. (Accordingly scholars tend to search for any subjectively-invented rhetoric rather than objective validity as long as the former effectively works in academic market)
c. In global academic context on one hand western scholarship is far from being familiar with non-western traditional scholarship and thinking and on the other contemporary non-western scholarship about their own traditional studies is far from being familiar with contemporary western human-scientific theories as well. (Accordingly the truly global semiotic mission can hardly be attained.
d. Commercialized cultural and academic circumstances lead to a general vulgarization of content, direction, practicing style of semiotic activities with a result that the term “semiotics” could be frequently misused as a “pop-cultural brand” to search for increasing any kind of propaganda, advertising effect and factional influence through manipulating internet media in academic-educational marketing. (Accordingly the term “semiotics” could be more arbitrarily used by a variety of applied semiotics just for competitive profitability with a result that semiotic practices are further disconnected from the general trends of theoretical advances in various main disciplines in the humanities)
2. The basic points in connection with the above judgments involved
In light of the above basic judgments we further concisely derive the following proposals
a. The urgent necessity in intellectual mission of mankind today is to transform the less scientific “humanities” into the more scientific-directed “human sciences” in order to more rationally and systematically solve the crucial problems concerning inter-conflicting faiths and dogmas among different peoples and their traditions in this world.
b. For this goal an urgent related procedural necessity is to exclude the epistemological involvement of any philosophical fundamentalism in the above scientific-directed mission regarding general semiotics and human sciences.
c. The above two significant demands lead to a new conception of general semiotics as a strategic operator concerning epistemological-functional designs for realizing the interdisciplinary-organizing tasks about the humanities and theoretical semiotics.
d. Philosophical history presents a constant, gradually developing process of academic-disciplinary splitting from which have separated modern mathematics, natural science and social science respectively; it is time now for human sciences to follow the same academic-historical line.
e. Fundamentalist philosophy consisting of certain kinds of classical metaphysics and ontology partly shares the similar non-empirical-scientific ways in thinking with those prevailing in religion and poetry. Also similar to the necessary segregation between religion and politics as well as to that between poetry and natural sciences, historically shaped fundamentalist philosophy should be separated from the epistemological foundation of social sciences as well. All kinds of non-empirically-oriented intellectual activities can and should be the important object of semiotics and human sciences, but they would hopefully no longer be the theoretical foundation of the latter.
f. Accordingly a specially defined general semiotics called GS-model can help promote multi-rational operative coherence with respect to various departmental semiotics as well as to modernization of human sciences
g. In addition, GS will also undertake a related great task: to organize an institutional-semiotic anatomy of constitution and function of fundamentalist philosophy itself in terms of new epistemological-methodological perspectives derived from synthetically and coordinately advanced theoretical parts of human sciences
3. A necessity of general semiotics as an interdisciplinary-scientific organizer
Modern semiotic movement has entered its stage of the so-called global semiotics in the new century yet. The global movement of semiotics is mainly characterized by its three emerging consequences: the global expansion of horizon of geographic-historic-cultural territory, the comprehensive widening of scholarly-theoretical perspective from different semiotic traditions, and the deeper reexamination of the all-round relationship among society, culture, knowledge in the real world. And all three tendencies can be relatively reflected on the relationship between modern semiotics and traditional philosophy; or, exactly, in the epistemological confrontation between something named as general semiotics and any type of philosophical fundamentalism. The fact is that a theoretically more productive conception of general semiotics urgently requested by human sciences in general and theoretical semiotics in particular has not yet been accepted widely today. This is especially due to the prevailing professional protectionism and scholarly conservatism based on academic compartmentalization and competitive individualism.
On the other hand, the academic-institutionally strengthened mechanism supported by the commercial-technological Establishment is embodied in its solid control of humanity-scientifically institutionalized system and therefore in encouraging educationally rigidified ways of doing scholarship of the humanities fixed in different segregated disciplines. While the desirable approaches to modernization of human sciences in the new era, by contraries, should lie in organizing horizontally comparative and extensively cross-disciplinary researches through breaking-through the academic boundaries. Accordingly there emerges a necessity of certain strategic goal to be guided by “general semiotics” taken as a functional-operative organizer with respect to promotion of interdisciplinary interaction not only between different departmental semiotic practices but also between various social-human sciences.
4. Philosophy and human knowledge
As generally known, philosophy was the very source of all kinds of human knowledge in intellectual history. On the other hand, the existence of both developed mathematics/natural sciences and social sciences is the consequences of their respective independent developments because of gradual segregations from their philosophical origins in history. This dialectic evolution finally brings about a clear differentiation between philosophy and sciences in general. Eventually the nature of science of all kinds is even characterized by excluding all philosophical elements from its constitution. The same tendency has been just emerging in the humanities today as well although the latter as an academic field still naturally includes philosophical parts as its constitutive contents. Logic, the very core of philosophy, has already become an independent discipline closely combined with mathematics; aesthetics, as the important branch in classical philosophy, have been also widely and effectively replaced by the newly shaped independent disciplinary theories in connection with literature and arts. It’s well known that the latter two have already turned to be the most important parts of contemporary departmental semiotics. Even one of central parts of philosophy—ethics or moral philosophy, as I myself particularly stress before, is better to be disconnected from its philosophical frameworks and even should be further closely tied with semiotic sciences in our new era. Finally, philosophy of history, another important part of modern philosophy, must be separated from any metaphysical-ontological doctrines as well from a scientific point of view and should be further included into the contemporary new discipline “historical theory” which could be closely linked with a recently emerging new discipline “historical semiotics”. Differently from the cases of natural and social sciences, however, the last three independent disciplines of the humanities present themselves as a scholarly-disciplinary mixture containing the social/humanity-scientific and the remaining philosophical elements alike. On the other hand, philosophy, especially European-continental philosophy, as a current discipline also contains a lot of interdisciplinary-scientific elements, almost becoming a scholarly combination of traditional philosophical and modern scientific parts.
We may ask why human knowledge presents this changeable way of developing in history? Simply, it’s due to a natural demand for gradual deepening of human rational practices in historical evolution. Therefore the constitutively self-splitting change of the composition of philosophy as an entire discipline in history is a natural and necessary historical process. We can regard this scientific-oriented process as progressive and constructive in nature. The process actually brings about multiply advanced quality of reasoning expressed in man’s capability of doing observation, description, analysis, generalization and even predication in understanding human affairs. Thus, eventually we see the new term “human sciences” has been reasonably created after the Second World War. This completely new intellectual phenomenon indicates a more obvious scientific-directed and de-philosophical-centralist tendency in our times. It’s just in this general context that current semiotics has become more and more a methodological and epistemological guide in reconstructing contemporary human sciences. The fact has become further concretized and multiplied when the interdisciplinary nature of semiotics has grown up to impact the field concerning modernizing enterprise of the non-western traditional humanities. The recent development of the latter for the past decades further proves that a de-philosophical-centrist position for advancing the theoretical humanities becomes even a necessity today if the modernization of non-western traditional heritages would be really scientifically conducted and be accordingly reformulated for carrying out true international academic-dialogue concerning theoretical humanity.
5. Philosophy discipline as a modern professional depositary of certain knowledge and philosophy as a fundamentalism with its historically transmitted ideological implication
In spite of its philosophical and linguistic origins modern semiotic movement has been synthetically realized in different scholarly fields and disciplines, including both their traditional and the modern fields. The remarkable involvement of semiotic practices in human sciences is just due to the steadily strengthening of interdisciplinary or horizontal interaction between different scholarly disciplines. And this general academic development has been obviously caused by the general progress of respective scientific-theoretical practices in various academic branches. No doubt, this semiotic turn in the humanities also represents a scientific turn in modernization of the humanities. In addition, this semiotic-scientific turn exactly amounts to a de-philosophical-central turn. Yes, a lot of traditional philosophical content has been already conversed into modern scientific ones, as we mentioned above. But there is indeed an essential basis of traditional philosophy that we may call generally metaphysics which keeps its historically unchanged fundamentalist-theoretical dogmas. Philosophy as a modern discipline has a right to keep any kind of constitutive contents in its discipline as long as the traditional topics are still interesting to academia. However, besides being an academic unit as an accumulating site of historical thoughts, philosophy has also implicitly reserved a historically unique privilege for organizing theoretical activities in the both historically and contemporarily institutionalized humanities. This academic-typed institutional-ideological power itself silently possessed by the fundamentalist philosophy today is still quite influential at different aspects of theoretical constitution of the humanities. Owing to the traditional academic-institutional background, which is even basically encouraged by the contemporary technology-oriented social-cultural mechanism, this philosophical-fundamentalist-typed ideological power would continue exercising its dogmatic epistemological domination over the theoretical direction and practical ways in the entire humanities, even giving a hint that theoretical elaboration of the humanities still needs such a fundamentalist leadership as the “first philosophy”. This tendency, no doubt, is also directly impacting the ways of theoretical reconstruction in our semiotic world, including its departmental and general parts alike. Naturally, if semiotics, as an innovative or revolutionary tool in stimulating theoretical modernization of the humanities, accepts, implicitly or explicitly, this theoretical position of philosophical fundamentalism, a cognitional self-contradiction will occur within semiotics like this: general semiotics based on any philosophical-central theoretical framework becomes immediately contrary to the interdisciplinary essence of semiotic science as such. Therefore any philosophical-central reductionism of semiotic theories could indicate a regressive movement against modern semiotic spirit. This philosophy-central preference for theoretical construction of general semiotics is mainly caused by the exacerbating tendency of the present-day system of institutionalized professional competition in current social-human scientific academia, which presses scholars to more profitably calculate the cost of their research investment and the competitive-tactic advantage during the process of searching for their profit-seeking-directed professional aims. (Refer to Li, 2013) If so, a more convenient and profitable way for them is to appeal to this traditional privileged potential or an implicit theoretical-domineering power of certain dogmatic-philosophical fundamentalism in order to save or put aside some more painstaking and more complicated efforts for learning from various specialized theoretical experiences of other related disciplines.
On the other hand, we should here immediately distinguish between two different relations between semiotics and philosophy. The one is that exists between interdisciplinary-directed semiotics and philosophy also as a discipline containing its various valuable materials. In this case semiotic theory always needs to learn from philosophy and to pertinently absorb as more as possible the related philosophical-theoretical elements into semiotic-theoretical constructions, just as all other disciplines of humanities should do the same in their inter-actional relationship with philosophy. While the reversal process presents the same desirability: philosophical thinking should also pay more and more attentions to the theoretical fruits of other humanities in order to enrich or reform its own structure with respect to the theoretical perspective of the entire humanities in which philosophy has been always engaged in history. For example, we see the book Main Trends in Philosophy edited by Paul Ricouer (Ricoeur 1977) and the French Philosophy Encyclopedia edited by A. Jacob (Jacob 1989-2000) indeed present a really interdisciplinary horizon and perspectives. The other is the relationship between semiotics and philosophy that is taken as an exclusively self-enclosed speculative corps guided by philosophical centralism or fundamentalism that is also implicitly supported by the academic-institutional Establishment with its historical-conservative ideology. This historically unchanged philosophical fundamentalism is mainly displayed in its abstrusely elaborated metaphysics and metaphysical ontology insisting in its ever-lasting fixed system of absolute values and logical-central dogmas embodied in various “first principles” which can be originally traced back to philosophical sources in remote ancient times.
We certainly recognize that fundamentalist philosophy as such is very important in human intellectual history just like religion and should keep their independent academic existence in our intellectual world. On the other hand, nevertheless, we also maintain that there is no scientific reason for theoretical semiotics to accept its habitually taken-for-granted authoritative intervention in theoretical constructions of other empirical-scientific scholarship related to the empirical historical world. Just think: Just because of this kind of irrelevant engagement in causational thinking and ethical judging about historical-empirical human affairs, so many contemporary fundamentalist-typed philosophers, both western and eastern, have brought about how much seriously misleading interpretations and wrong conclusions in contemporary political history. The main reason for this sad development really lies in the fact that there exist no reasonable links between metaphysical-ontological way of thinking and all other empirical-scientific ways of thinking in social and human sciences. The ambiguous idea about the two ways of conducting theorization is in fact caused by a epistemological misunderstanding in human history. Accordingly abstruse philosophical fundamentalism plays a special negative influence on the empirical-scientific scholarship in connection with history, society, morality and politics in our actual anthropological world. Nowadays we attempt to state that the fundamentalist philosophy plays, in some sense, a speculative-imaginative role like poetry, if not really like religion. The both imaginative-spiritual kinds of activity are of course justified in their preferred ways of organizing their thinking but shouldn’t be allowed to improperly apply their speculative or imaginary rhetoric into theoretical practices requesting genuinely empirical-scientific reasoning. Even “science” as a modern term should be separated from its less strictly defined acceptation formed in remote antiquity, however the same term is still used in various modern fundamentalist philosophies.
6. General semiotics as a strategic designing for reorganizing interdisciplinary-directed theoretical progress of human sciences
It is evident that the humanities or even human-social sciences, rather than the entire human knowledge, should be completely readjusted or reorganized in our new century. But the point is that the theoretically readjusting process within a semiotic framework shouldn’t be organized at a substantial level; instead it should be designed and performed at multiply structural-functional-relational level. Traditional systematical-philosophy, some modern philosophy attempting to reconstruct unified sciences, modern all-embracing theoretical sociology, contemporary universal historiography and philosophy of history, all of them have tried to provide such a synthetically processing ground for reorganizing and recombining the entire human knowledge at a substantial level. As generally known, all such efforts in modern and contemporary history, despite their respective theoretical achievements involved, can hardly attain their goals. One of the reasons for the consequence is just caused by their commonly shared simplistic strategy designed for reaching respective discipline-centralist unifications. In fact, however, the truly reasonable theorizing mode for integrating and harmonizing human and social sciences cannot be understood as carrying out any disciplinary-central reductionism or as realizing a new expanded syncretism of human knowledge. The acceptable conception of the unification of contemporary human sciences can only reasonably refer to the advancing and widening of coordinating and coherent relationship among empirical-positively confirmable fruits of different disciplines each of which must also firstly carry out their respective interdisciplinary-directed empirical-scientific practices separately. This principle is just what general semiotics attempts to follow.
For the past decades, besides adopting some quasi-philosophical modes of general theorization the idea of general semiotics was also considered as a new type of encyclopedia about entire interconnected knowledge of mankind. The editing guidance of different projects in the field indeed reflects a comprehensive point of view of semiotic science taken as something including and integrating human knowledge as extensively as possible. Nevertheless all these efforts to systematically collect together entire scholarly-informational materials merely amount to presenting certain co-exhibitions of different collections of more or less sign-related knowledge of the existing disciplines while theoretical interconnections among them remain less or even not studies. In other words, this kind of projects only completes the jobs of presenting huge collections of knowledge without really attempting to further organize interdisciplinary-theoretical studies among them. (Refer to Posner, Roberring, Sebeok, 1998) It’s obvious that remarkable achievements of current semiotics are mostly realized and displayed in a variety of departmental or applied semiotics with respective to their interdisciplinary practices performed at the epistemological-methodological level. Furthermore, we also have to note that the actual creative vigor of semiotics lies only in various disciplinary and interdisciplinary practices of the entire humanities. Therefore far from being a mere single discipline, semiotics must keep its progressive steps synchronistic with those of human sciences. At present we are indeed faced with a serious challenge regarding how to relevantly and effectively develop the interdisciplinary strategies in the entire field of human sciences. Concretely, the current theoretical retardation disclosed in both general semiotic practices and entire human sciences could be mainly due to the fact that the modernization of the humanities with their richly accumulated traditional heritages, positive and negative, western and eastern, requests first of all a deeper and wider interdisciplinary-directed epistemological breaking-through? Or, exactly, what we request especially at present is something related to the general interdisciplinary strategy overarching all disciplines of human sciences. In terms of this interpretation we could reach a more suitable conception of general semiotics which, far from being a semiotic type of philosophy, should be involved in creating such a theoretically more suitable functional-operative organizer. What I presented about the concept “institutional semiotics” before (Li, 2014), for example, is a related attempt that is made by dint of exercising such an all-round analytic-synthetic scientific anatomy of the profession and scholarship of semiotics. Let’s call this type of general semiotics as GS that can be taken as a universal semantic-anatomical organizer at academic-strategic level with respect to entire human sciences in general and semiotics in particular.
Furthermore, differently from the idea of a semiotic philosophy, GS does not need to be a fixed system of theoretical propositions representing an alternative new type of theoretical foundation, intending to methodologically unify various concrete practices performed in different disciplines; instead most semiotic practices should be firstly implemented in the existing individual disciplines by means of their various interdisciplinary tactics. What GS is and does lie in analyzing, synthesizing, readjusting and reorganizing the results of theoretical interactions among all related disciplines. Rather than being a solidified system of theories, we prefer to say, GS can be regarded first of all as a set of epistemological direction, methodological procedures, scholarly-ethical attitude and a scientific-intellectual consciousness. And the concrete methodological-operative tools used by GS come from scientific experiences of various departmental semiotics. The main purpose of GS is to promote or restructure the interdisciplinary interaction in the world of human sciences so as to more closely strengthen scientific-practical ties between semiotics and human sciences. Or, more precisely, GS deals with the relational issues of both departmental and general interdisciplinary practices, regarding the interdisciplinary-theoretical relationship as the operative center for promoting the progress of human sciences in general and semiotics in particular in order to realize an important task about the systematic anatomy of the humanities in the new century. Besides, differently from the deductive-logical-theoretical type of rationality used by philosophical fundamentalism, GS adopts an empirical-inductive-practical type of rationality. The scientific orientation of semiotics should be settled in reference to historical, social, cultural and academic real experiences in this anthropological world.
7. GS-model and modernization of the non-western traditional humanities
Let’s turn to a more complicated challenge concerning cross-cultural semiotics and humanities in the current global cultural context. As I explained many times before, with the sharp constitutional divergence between the western and non-western historical-cultural-intellectual-academic traditions, the much more elaborated western metaphysics cannot be suitably employed for interpreting or helping modernize the latter at a theoretical level. (Refer to Li, 2008, 2011) As regards this problem western semiotic theories have been experienced to be the much more relevant and desirable alternatives. In essence the so-called cross-cultural semiotics is only a special type of interdisciplinary semiotics that requests scholars to obtain knowledge of both western theory and non-western history at the same time. The problems of theoretical modernization of non-western traditional humanities is not only related to advancement of the scientific level of the latter but also to a more realistic intellectual challenge that the non-scientific-characterized non-western traditional humanities, including their quasi-counterparts in the west (namely, western studies of non-western cultural traditions such as Sinology), under the contemporary situation of universal weakening of the educational conditions of the humanities, could much easily be manipulated to continue playing its less-scientific/more-ideological roles within their respective circumstances with a result to seriously lead to the stagnation of scientific development of the non-western humanities in general. On the other hand, all non-western scholarly traditions, especially those with rich historical records, provide highly valuable collections of historical material and experiences that are terribly useful for promoting cross-cultural development of global human sciences. Based on this understanding the global expansion of semiotic movement can be understood by us to be extremely significant for our global semiotic mission, that also requests us to courageously make double efforts for carrying-out the semiotic-interdisciplinary boundary-breaking.
8. GS-model as an interdisciplinary organizer for synthetically anatomizing philosophy as an institutionalized discipline with any logical-centralist dogmatism
General speaking, there exists still a pressing task for us to promote an active, creative interaction between semiotic theory and philosophy. Let’s be clear that philosophy remains to be the number one important theoretical source for the scientific-theorization of the
humanities even from a point-view of interdisciplinary semiotics. (Refer to Li, 2013, 32) Semiotics at its general and individual levels always needs to intensify its theoretical strength through learning from philosophy. For the sake of advancing quality of theoretical studies in human sciences, first of all, we need an especially desirable preparative project of institutional-semiotic anatomy of philosophy as a traditional discipline. A very significant task in present-day semiotic-theoretical practice is to more scientifically penetrate into the mechanism and functions of this historically shaped and continuously transmitted philosophical discipline. This project is especially referred to ontology, metaphysics, and some other related rhetorically sophisticated ways of thinking (even including derived or related nihilism and extreme relativism). In a word, this GS project will make philosophy itself an object of a theoretical semiotic analysis. In handling this project GS model as a total synthetic strategic guidance will make use of all related human knowledge, social-cultural conditions and even historical experiences as its methodological weapon and epistemological references. Based on the remarkable progress of human knowledge in the 20th century, all scientific capability available could be hopefully converged on anatomizing this most powerful, taken-for-granted theoretical mechanism in intellectual history. Nevertheless, this challenging mission will play two-way roles in practices. Therefore we may conclusively say that this project taken by GS will be a double-directed theoretical interaction between philosophy as a big single-discipline and semiotics as interdisciplinary-directed scholarly assemblage functioning at operative level. The latter always needs to enrich its theoretical potential through learning from the former. In return the former as a theoretical-institutionalized system should be also the analyzed object of scholarly practices based on GS model, together with different theoretical achievements of various departmental semiotics. And consequences of this two-way scholarly interaction would wishfully push forward the unifying progress of human sciences at a multi-rationally operative level.
In my last paper published in Semiotica (Li, 2014) I treated general semiotics as a tool for institutional analysis with a focus on the internal and external institutionalized objects and contexts; in this paper I treat general semiotics as a all-round functional organizer by emphasizing a focus on epistemological-methodological relationship between semiotic approaches and reorganized humanity knowledge. The both aspects of identity and function of general semiotics exclude any theoretical involvement of philosophical fundamentalism that is traditionally taken as some absolute or authoritative theoretical foundation. Such a historically and habitually accepted relationship between philosophy and knowledge has no longer be valid; and fundamentalist philosophy as a conception of “first theory” should disappear forever in our new century. Conversely, philosophy as a professional discipline should become the object and material of theoretical-semiotic analysis based on GS-model. From this point of view we can understand either GS-model or institutional semiotics implies an extremely profound significance for effectively advancing theoretical level of human sciences.
Jacob, André (ed. 1989-2000). Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France
Li, Youzheng, (2008). “Semiotics and Ancient History”. Semiotica. 172-1/4, 339-360
Li, Youzheng, (2011). “Nonwestern semiotics and its possible impact on the composition of semiotic theory in the future”. Semiotics. 187, 229-237
Li, Youzheng, (2013). “Ren-Humanist Ethics and Semiotics in the future”. Chinese Semiotic Studies, V. 9, 29-36
Li, Youzheng, (2014). “On the institutional aspect of institutionalized and institutionalizing semiotics”. Semiotics, 202, 81-107
Posner, Roland, Roberring, Klaus, Sebeok, Thomas A. (ed. 1998). A handbook on the Sign-Theoretic
Foundations of Nature and Culture, Berlin-New York, Walter de Gruyter
Ricoeur, Paul (ed. 1979). Main Trends in Philosophy, New York, Holmes & Meier Publishers
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